Video Production
Project Goal
Making top flight creative to pair with even better Insight beer...
This project was spec work for Insight Brewing – one night a collection of creatives were sitting at this brewery enjoying IPAs and came up with the idea of producing a dynamic visual story for one of our favorite beers, Trollway IPA. Ben Pimlott, Tapio Haku and Matthew Deery led the way to get this project from idea over beers to finished cinema-quality content. Partnering with a brewery we truly loved and believed in was an absolute dream.
Given small breweries don’t often have huge marketing budgets, we decided to pursue this project as spec work, meaning we would execute this production at no cost to the brewery in terms of creative, labor and equipment rentals. We pitched one of the brewery founders Brian Berge on the idea of shooting something in the brewery and the troll concept itself that Ben had fleshed out. Insight Brewing ended up providing a small investment to pay for extra equipment rentals, covered some hard costs, bought a brewery full of hungry people pizza for dinner and best of all, they provided free beer for our volunteer extras during their stay.
After we settled on the creative with Insight, we had to figure out the logistics of the shoot itself. We clearly had to shoot within the brewery space – in order to do so, we would have to shut the space down to the general public in order to have a closed, controlled set. In order to get a crowd, we reached out to Insight regulars and fans to be extras within the scene. We filmed from evening until early, early morning. We asked